How you can help.

Join Hari Bersih Indonesia to Close the Floating Museum.

We're on quest to close the floating museum and give the sea back to whom it belongs. Join us on September 21st to clean the trash on the land. Together, we can stop them from reaching the sea so they won\'t be our be exhibitions.

Find out how your brand can help.

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Donate to Close the Museum

Donate to Close the Museum

How you can help.

Join Hari Bersih Indonesia to Close the Floating Museum.

We're on quest to close the floating museum and give the sea back to whom it belongs. Join us on September 21st to clean the trash on the land. Together, we can stop them from reaching the sea so they won\'t be our be exhibitions.

Find out how your brand can help.

Leave your contact and we will share you the details

Donate to Close the Museum

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Floating Museum