This Museum is brought to you by our contributor: You

Every day, we throw away 24.500 tons of trash. And 80% of them ends up in the sea. Taking over the environment from the natural marine inhabitants and turning our sea into a floating museum of trash.

What is

67million tons
annual national waste.
3.2million tons
plastic waste in the sea.
plastic waste contributor in the world.
to completely break down.
plastic waste contributor in the world.
30years from now
we'll see more plastic than fishes in the sea.

The Garbage

Over 250 million km square of our sea is plagued with trash. But most of them are concentrated on the shores of our biggest cities. This plague is our own doing. and it is on us to stop it before it gets worse.

This Museum is brought to you by our contributor: You

Every day, we throw away 24.500 tons of trash. And 80% of them ends up in the sea. Taking over the environment from the natural marine inhabitants and turning our sea into a floating museum of trash.

What is

67million tons
annual national waste.
3.2million tons
plastic waste in the sea.
plastic waste contributor in the world.
to completely break down.
plastic waste contributor in the world.
30years from now
we'll see more plastic than fishes in the sea.

The Garbage

Over 250 million km square of our sea is plagued with trash. But most of them are concentrated on the shores of our biggest cities. This plague is our own doing. and it is on us to stop it before it gets worse.